KLCI has hit historical high of 1660+ lately, and corrected "sharply" last Wednesday and Thursday which creates quite a lot of talking points among local retail investors. The "sharp" correction is merely ~-2%. A 2-3% fluctuation is very common to be seen in Hong Kong, Japan, US...
Among opinions from local retail investors, I can conclude that most defend this correction as a healthy correction and their views remain bullish, as this is a good opportunity to enter for upcoming bull run. Minority have bearish view. In fact KLCI is among the best performers in the world this year. Within my knowledge, I can recall that lately only Malaysia and Indonesia had hit historical high, while the rest of market I know i.e. US, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan...still have a long way to go to reach teh high before 2008 financial crisis. Not to mention China, the nation with the "strongest performing economy" , the Shanghai Index still hover around 2000, where the highest in 2007 was 6000 plus! This perfectly matches our proud and popular quote of "MALAYSIA BOLEH". Congratulations!
KLCI had been inching up as if there is an unseen propeller underneath. We are too used to see it goes up and appear to be so surprise to see the "2% correction". We are anticipating good news after good news to be published by the government to help propel the uptrend, so far it never fail us. We have been given different assurance with various good news to tell us that our economy is strong and able to withstand any storm. As a preparation of a very important event ahead for all Malaysians, cash after cash has been distributed directly to people (certain), and may be indirectly through the stock market. That is supposed to be an event where people must FEEL GOOD, certainly an up trending stock market will help. It makes me feel like engineering the KLCI to go up is an mission which cannot fail.
Externally, we also like to hear good news of how the developed countries come out with measures to stimulate the economy. Ever since 2008 financial crisis, we had heard countless massive stimulation measures especially in developed countries, of course in different names and terms. Stimulation, Quantitative Easing 1,2,3,4,5....It started in US, then EU, then now in China we are also anticipating eagerly for Mr Wen to announce stimulation plan to stimulate our sentiment. Every time a stimulation measure announced, as usual investors will anticipate eagerly, when it is confirmed, investors become so positive and it reflects in the stock market with a rally, a short term one at least, before we anticipate another round of stimulation.
The logic here is as if we need to survive by depending on the government to keep on printing billions of dollars and inject into the market to make us strong and happy. It is said to encourage increase in consumption hence revive economy activities. I hope this will make us good. This resembles an athlete who keep on injecting steroid to himself whenever he feels tired. Just imagine what will happen to the athlete if this keeps on repeating.
The measure of injecting money into the market to save the economy sounds very simple, and I sincerely hope it works by making our lives better. I am still figuring out whether this measure can bring good changes like making the lazy ones become hardworking, corrupted ones become honest, stupid ones become smart, wasteful ones become thrifty, inefficient ones become efficient, rude ones become polite, inconsiderate ones become civilized, criminals become good citizen.
Back to KLCI, facts we can observe lately
1. It is not cheap, especially blue chips. The most straight forward valuation, P/E ratio is not low, especially compare to regional peers
2. Along the year, most blue chips are in side way movement
3. KLCI has doubled since 2009.
4. The most active stocks for 2012 are penny stocks. If you go to the market, the daily top active list consists of penny stocks
5. Highest gain (of course loss) are penny stocks. The "GORENG" interest is strong.
If we hope it keep on go up go up go up as we wish, we need a real crazy bull to come, where the crazy bull can push the stocks to very high valuation, in another words, very expensive.
Any way, we are human, we always like to feel good, at least for a short while.